Chinitz Zion Haggadah
How to Teach the Love of Israel at Your Seder.
A traditional Haggadah with modern interpretation

Marvin Chinitz is available for in-person and virtual events. Fill out the website contact form to learn more.
Forward and Review by David Harris
Marvin Chinitz had an idea, a big idea. In fact, it might even be called an audacious idea, although, in a sense, it takes us
Afterword: October 15, 2023
October 6, 2023: Israel was fractured. The government was fractured. Galut Jewry was fractured. October 7, 2023, Shabbat and Simchat Torah: Hamas and Iran initiated
Congratulations to Dr. Marvin Chinitz for writing a unique new Haggadah which we should all make room for on our Seder tables. His mission is to bring the Zionist dream and its current reality in Israel into our Passover discussions where it belongs.
The Exodus was not just to liberate the Israelites from slavery, as miraculous as that was. It was to follow HaShem’s direction to Moses to lead the Jewish people to Mt Sinai to receive their national purpose and destiny, and finally to Israel, the Holy Land. The Chinitz Haggadah completes the story and connects the Haggadah powerfully to the present reality of modern Israel we are blessed to experience.
The Exodus was not just to liberate the Israelites from slavery, as miraculous as that was. It was to follow HaShem’s direction to Moses to lead the Jewish people to Mt Sinai to receive their national purpose and destiny, and finally to Israel, the Holy Land. The Chinitz Haggadah completes the story and connects the Haggadah powerfully to the present reality of modern Israel we are blessed to experience.
Joe Liebermanformer United States Senator
Dr. Marvin A. Chinitz’s The Chinitz Zion Haggadah is unique amongst the plethora of English commentaries as it masterfully focuses on the miracle of the establishment and flourishing of the State of Israel. While the Haggadah text primarily deals with leaving Egypt, Dr. Chinitz beautifully illustrates that entry into Israel is of equal import. Thus, Passover is not only a memory of “freedom from” but the living lesson of “freedom to.” The Chinitz Zion Haggadah will intellectually and emotionally uplift the serious student and inspire readers to protect and contribute to Israel’s aspirational mission of being a light to the world.
Rabbi Avi Weissfounder, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale – the Bayit
Dr. Chinitz’s original commentaries, interwoven with traditional texts and sources, raise essential questions that must be discussed at our Seder tables (and throughout the year). The miracles and challenges of the modern State of Israel are thrust centerstage, compelling the reader to understand this ancient holiday in its present and future contexts. Participants will both lean in and recline at the table.
Harriet SchleiferChair, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Finally – a Haggadah that reminds us of God’s fifth promise in Exodus 6:8, “And I will bring you to the land”. The Chinitz Zion Haggadah returns Pesach to its core – the Jewish people’s indisputable roots in Zion. I have been telling this story to my family for generations. Thanks to Dr. Chinitz, generations to come will learn the essential Pesach story – our redemption from slavery with the purpose of returning to the land promised to us by God from the moment of our people’s birth. A hearty Yesher Koach, and thank you!
Peter Weintraubformer national chairman, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces
Dr. Chinitz wants Jews celebrating Passover to include this deeper understanding of Israel, of Zionism, of Zion. He is right. And he is to be commended for devoting years of his life to blending the traditional text of the Haggadah with this invaluable addition — and precision.
David HarrisCEO, American Jewish Committee, 1990–2022